Solitude: A Renewal Ritual
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Life throws us "curve balls" every once in a while. You know, those times when all of a sudden things seem too overwhelming to handle? When that happens we are thrown out of balance. The enemy targets our time for solitude because those off-balance moments are the enemy’s playground. I have learned that it is during those very "busy" moments when I need a time for solitude even more. Only when I pause and take time in solitude, to pray and process the whirlwind of emotions that always accompany those "curve balls", can I regain my equilibrium and bring me back in balance.
Jesus practiced solitude throughout his life and ministry. He sought solitude prior to preaching (Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42), after hearing about the death of John the Baptist (Matthew 14:13), after feeding the multitude (Matthew 14:23), before choosing His disciples (Luke 6:12), and at the end of his life he sought solitude in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36). If Jesus Himself needed time to be with the Father, how much more do we need this time?
Solitude is a primary spiritual discipline. Dallas Willard says, “solitude is generally the most fundamental in the beginning of the spiritual life, and it must be returned to again and again as that life develops.” If we are to grow spiritually, we need to continuously practice the discipline of solitude preferably on a daily basis. Solitude has become my foundation for the practice of other disciplines such as meditation, journaling, and prayer.
Solitude rarely happens unless it's scheduled. Therefore, the first most important step is carving out the time. Log it in your calendar as “appointment with God”. Anytime that works best for you is the best time. The important thing is that you take time. Pretty soon you won’t need to log it in anymore, because it will become a natural part of your schedule.
I like to think of solitude as one of my renewal rituals and a time for some R&R (rest and reflection). Rituals allow us to create our own ways or strategies of doing things that inspire us and that work best for us. We can uplift or elevate the way we do ordinary things so that a simple task rises to the level of something special - as in putting the “extra” in the ordinary, making it extraordinary. As a stay-at-home mom, I spend a large portion of my time keeping the home clean. I have learned to incorporate cleaning as part of this renewal ritual. I may not be sitting still, but my mind is free and open, allowing a time for solitude and prayer. To elevate the task, I may put on my special apron, play a soothing music, or light a sweet smelling candle, allowing an enriched sense of well-being as I take delight in a clean home that exudes serenity and invites more solitude. Which brings us to the next step: finding your own place of peace and comfort.
Retreating to your own place of peace and comfort can be one of the highlights of solitude. You could dedicate a corner of a room (perhaps by the window?) and possibly decorate it with a comfortable chair or chaise, coupled with a nice lamp and table for tea, and maybe a beautiful basket for fave books and journals?. Or it could be in the warmth and comforts of your bed. You can possibly add a luxuriously soft blanket and pillows (just be careful not to fall asleep:). Or it could even be in the sanctuary of your car which has become the more common spot for me. When lived in Pismo Beach, I parked by the beach after I dropped the kids off at school and indulged in the beauty of God's creation. These days, I park in San Francisco after dropping Isabella off , either by the ballet with the view of the beautiful Opera House and City Hall, or by the marina with the view of the awesome Golden Gate bridge. Anywhere it may be, I look forward to it everyday. As I go to my place of solitude, I am excited about what will happen and I wait expectantly. I know my time there would be something rich and fruitful. It is a place where I retire for renewal and a place to commune and delight with the Lord.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at Saturday, September 15, 2012 0 comments
Floor Buffing Revelations
Friday, August 17, 2012
“Mom, why do you buff the floors every day? I think there’s something wrong with you”. This is what my middle son jokingly told me one cleaning day.
You see, as a “seasoned” stay-at-home mom, I have become quite efficient when it comes to cleaning our home, to a point that I buff the floor almost every day. My children would probably argue that it's not efficiency; rather more like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). They termed my OCD tendencies “Monk-ing” taken from the TV show “Monk” about an obsessive compulsive detective. Anyway, my children often say: “Mom is Monk-ing again”.
My choice of a dark cherry wood flooring for our home didn't help my OCD tendencies. The floor looks beautiful when it is clean and buffed. Unfortunately, every little dust and most specially foot marks, become very visible and they bug me to a point that I sometimes end up all upset at my family (confession time) if they fail to put slippers on and leave foot marks on our newly buffed floor.
So as I buffed the floor, I pondered what my son told me. Could there really be something wrong with me? I think I do have borderline OCD (ok sometimes it seems more like full blown OCD:). There may be some truth to what my son said: I must be getting some type of enjoyment from buffing the floor to be doing it that much. Then the answer stared right at me as I buffed away (one of those aha! moments). Because I also love to reflect, meditate, and pray so much, floor buffing allows me that extra time! And then I realized that I do the same thing when I take a shower, fold laundry, wash dishes, or vacuum - anytime I'm doing something that sort of frees my mind to reflect, meditate, and pray. I call these action prayers....prayers while in “action”.
Then there are those prayers I term my resting/waiting prayers: those graceful moments taken while I'm resting (i.e. tea/coffee time, or when I can't sleep, or during my quiet time) and while I'm waiting (i.e. at the doctor's office, or waiting for Isabella at dance, or just about anytime I'm waiting). So, basically, I have been blessed with a very reflective personality and that, by the grace of God, I am able to use any available time in getting to know HIM more intimately. So now every time I see dust or foot marks on our floor, instead of getting all upset, I remind myself that it is another great opportunity to “meet” with God. And so I blissfully buff away, all to the glory of God.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at Friday, August 17, 2012 0 comments
Learning to Dance in the Rain
Saturday, April 07, 2012
One rainy day in April 2011, during one of my daughter, Isabella's, rehearsals for the San Francisco Ballet’s production of Coppelia, I learned a lesson on “dancing in the rain”.
We decided to take the train rather than our usual drive to San Francisco. We elected to take BART because it was going to be a long rehearsal and I didn't want to have to worry about parking issues.
When we got out of the train, it was pouring rain. I told Isabella: "Let's stop at the library and wait for the rain to pass.” She said: "But Mommy, we don't know when the rain will pass. Let's just go for it." So we did “go for it” and toughed the rain. As we were walking the 3 long blocks to SFB, the rain seemed to get worse, and I could feel the water seeping into my boots. I was so concerned about Isabella's feet and tights getting wet. By now I started losing my peace and getting irritated, opening a door for the enemy to come in. I got upset at Isabella for suggesting to "just go for it" instead of stopping at the library. I was actually upset at myself, but I just had to put the blame on someone else (confession). In her efforts to calm me down, she said: "Mom, remember you always say to enjoy the moments? And this is a rare moment when we get to walk in the rain! Let's have fun with it and we'll always remember it." Well, I will surely remember that ever so precious moment. I learned yet another treasured lesson from my angel daughter.
I was worried for Isabella’s feet and tights getting wet. Well, they did get wet, but the War Memorial Opera House is fully equipped with a washing machine and dryer, and the staff gladly took care of her wet tights. And there was plenty of time for me to take care of not just her wet feet, but also her blessed spirit. We took time to reflect on the priceless wisdom offered by that particular, memorable moment. So as it turned out, my getting worried, upset, and irritated was a complete waste of energies and time.
This quote came to mind: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain".
We can choose to be happy as we wait for the storm to pass.
John 16:33
John 10:10b
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Dear God,
Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to overcome the world so that in Him we may have peace. Thank you Jesus for coming so that we may enjoy life to the full even during the “rains and storms” of life. And thank you for an angel daughter who taught me how to “dance in the rain”.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at Saturday, April 07, 2012 0 comments
Wonderfully Made and (OMG) Officially My Gift
Monday, January 23, 2012
Isabella: "Mom did you know, Pheewee (term of endearment for her big brother Phil) told me, that 4 people are born and 2 people die EVERY SECOND?!"
Mom: "hmmm really?!"
Isabella: "Yes! so isn't that amazing?! God is really working hard! He makes 4 people every second, and then, He has to turn the ones who die, into angels! And, He does that on top of watching over all of us!"
Mom: "WOW!" (was all I could say)
Isabella: "And! I am so glad, when God made me, He put me in your stomach, and gave me to you!!!"
Mom: (blissfully stunned!)
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at Monday, January 23, 2012 0 comments
Too Blessed to be Stressed
Friday, January 13, 2012
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at Friday, January 13, 2012 0 comments
Precious Prayer from my Backseat Angel
I went about my day, met with my new friend, Tessie, and she went with me to my 9:30am dance class. Then we had a blessed fellowship over coffee and it was time for me to pick Ian up shortly after (minimum day today for Ian). Afterwards, Phil and I had a wonderful mother/son bonding time over lunch at Yanagi Sushi (he comes home after his first class as his next class is not until 3pm). Then I cleaned for a bit and before I knew it, it was time to pick Belle up from school. Time certainly flies especially when you're having fun (very fruitful day thus far).
My soul, overpowered with a sense of spiritual ecstasy,
seemed to have soared to heaven
to give an ever so tight embrace
to the One who makes all things possible
for bestowing heavenly moments such as this
for His unfathomable sovereignty, goodness, and mercy.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at Friday, January 13, 2012 0 comments